Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Challenge

Hello anyone out there still checking this blog!

I have decided that with the onset of 2012, we need something new to help inspire us in our kitchens! I don't know about you, but I get awfully tired of feeling like I keep falling back to the same old same old routine recipes. Which may be good, and nutritious, but somehow, I just don't like a rut!

I am challenging myself to do a few different things this year. And I'm sharing them with you, as an invitation, as an inspiration (I hope) to change things up, shake it up a bit...

Without further ado:

  • Try one new recipe each week
  • Go meatless one entree each week
  • Buy organic whenever possible
  • Stop using products with added sugars.
I don't know what things you have in store for your own family and kitchen, but I hope that you'll join me each week...

I'll be posting my new recipe before I try it, and then posting a comment with a review after we've eaten it.

I hope that some of you will join me on this journey!


These Three Kings said...

Yes I need this challenge in my life!
I'm glad I found your blog, had no idea you were a blogger.

Lauren said...

I've posted a bunch of ideas on pinterest, I'll try to share the things I actually cook and like here, too. :)